Mission Statement:
To provide southern Utah residents with convenient, easy access to a local, knowledgeable, and caring independent health and life insurance agent or broker.

our story:
Ed West Insurance is a local, family owned business. I began my career in insurance in 1998, about 25 years ago. In 2009, I moved from Gilbert, Arizona to St. George, Utah, and I started working locally. OnGuard Benefits LLC was formed in April, 2014. In 2022, I rebranded to form Ed West Insurance..
When I rebranded, I chose this specific Adinkra stalk symbol as my trademark with slight modifications. It comes from the Akan people of Ghana in West Africa. The symbol means “By God’s Grace” or “Because of God.” I felt that this represents my perspective on life. I truly feel that all that I have that is good in life has, in one way or another, come from God. It is also a reminder that my most prized blessings are my relationships with my God, with my family, and with my friends. These prized relationships include the people that I have the opportunity to serve as my clients. In summary, this stalk symbol is a reminder to myself to always have gratitude and give thanks to God, and it reminds me that I serve God by how I love and serve others, including how I serve my clients.

Why do I feel that providing insurance can be a valuable service to our community? In 1995, I started working for a company in Arizona that provided health insurance coverage to our family from day one. About three days later, my son was diagnosed with a heart condition that required open heart surgery. Three years later, he was diagnosed a second time with a completely different heart issue requiring a second heart surgery. I saw one of the bills that was just under $500,000, but our insurance covered the majority of the bill. My wife quit her job, in order to take care of our son for a time period. How would I have ever paid off not only one, but two heart surgeries? What additional stresses would we have felt not having insurance? It left me with a strong impression about how insurance can help fulfill a very important need. By the way, my son is now an adult and doing very well!
About Ed West
Ed enjoys spending time with his wife and family while hiking, riding their side by side, and an occasional vacation to explore other climates and biomes. He enjoys staying active with basketball, golfing, mountain biking, and pickleball. Some of his favorite movies are Lord of the Rings (all of them), Harry Potter, and Bourne Identity. He is active in his church, and looks for opportunities to serve our community.
Or Call: (435) 668-3984